Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Fluoridation Mandated Kentucky: Tooth Loss 5th highest in US

 In 2012, Kentucky had the fifth highest rate of tooth loss among people 65 and over in the nation

 Today, our state is considered a national leader in fluoridation,
providing approximately 96 percent of Kentuckians with fluoridated
water. In addition, KOHP also offers a fluoride supplement program for
preschool children whose home drinking water supply is fluoride

Kentucky also became one of the first states in the nation
to introduce a school-based Dental Sealant program for children who
might otherwise not have access to regular dental car

[All this failed when the real problem is inability to get dental care]

 Four out of 10 of our children reportedly never visited a dentist, and over 16,000 uninsured residents turned to an ER rather than a dentist for dental pain.

 Lack of dental coverage and affordability are just a part of the equation. A lack of education regarding the importance of oral health, fear of visiting a dentist, inconvenient location or time, particularly among working families with school age children, lack of transportation, distance to, and trouble finding a dentist are all contributing factors.

 Jeff Rubin: Believe this — your key to better health and quality of life may be right under your nose | NKyTribune