Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Advocate - Head Start program unites dentists with local children:

Norwalk, Connecticut, is fluoridated:

"The effort revealed a strong need among the children for oral health care -- about half of them had decayed teeth, workers said"
WHOI - Tooth Decay Keeps Kids Out of School:

In Illinois, fluoridation is state mandated:

"Believe it or not, tooth decay is the number one reason kids miss school."

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

EPI_insight_spring04_91620_7.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Michigan is 86% fluoridated:

"Among six to 12 year old children,
46.3% had caries experience in their
permanent teeth and 30.8% had
untreated permanent tooth decay. An
average of 2.9 permanent teeth had
caries experience among children with
caries experience."

"Among 13 to 19 year old adolescents,
82.0% had caries experience in their
permanent teeth and 54.6% had
untreated permanent tooth decay. An
average of 6.5 permanent teeth had
caries experience among adolescents
with caries experience."
Rural docs suffer under proposal - - The Mining Gazette:

What good is fluoridation if dentists refuse to treat those with the most need?

"Just look what has happened in the field of dentistry. When Medicaid drastically reduced its reimbursement for dental procedures, most dentists stopped accepting Medicaid patients (mostly children).

The end result - the very population that could most benefit from dental care does not receive it." - Gail Schoettler:

Denver, Colorado is fluoridated as is 75% of Colorado:

"I visited a Western Slope health clinic for the very poor. Their doctor told me that virtually none of the children he treated had ever seen a dentist. Their poor dental health severely affected their overall health, causing them to have more general infections and illnesses, not to mention acute pain."

"The state reported in 2004 that a quarter of Colorado third-graders had untreated tooth decay."

Saturday, March 26, 2005 ADA News: National survey charts dental access for American children:

"nineteen percent of uninsured children had unmet dental needs compared with 3 percent of children with private health insurance and 7 percent of children with Medicaid;"

sr10_223.pdf (application/pdf Object)

In 2003, 3.7 million children aged 2–17 years had unmet dental needs because their families could not afford dental care.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

NYSCOF logo Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

News - The Coloradoan -

"It's (fluoridation) also ineffective, said local dentist Bob Bennell.

'I'm putting fillings in left and right,' he said. 'It hasn't worked. It's a failed experiment.'"
News - The Coloradoan -

"'Parents of children on infant formula should avoid mixing that (with fluoridated water) ... said Dr. Bruce Cooper, medical director at the Health District of Northern Larimer County and a member of the technical study group."

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Capital Times:

"Dentists' unwillingness to budge from their stance on the use of hygienists will cost them the political support they need to win greater financial reimbursements from the state, one advocate said."

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Post-Crescent - Debate stalls over who can clean teeth

Wisconsin is 90% fluoridated:

“Our emergency rooms are being flooded all over the state by children and adults seeking dental care because there aren’t enough dentists,” Bazan said.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Alabama Chapter AAP:

Alabama is 82% fluoridated:

"The prevalence of tooth decay in Head Start children in Alabama, ages 3 and 4, has varied by site, as low as 25%, as high as 80%."

Friday, March 11, 2005

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Children Need Dentists Not Fluoride

"Last year, Oral Health America gave Kansas a 'D' on dentist availability, in part because of the number of counties without a dentist, according to published reports"

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Advocate - Dentists seeking higher Medicaid reimbursement rate to serve the poor:

Fluoridation is state mandated in Connecticut:

"'Dentistry has failed children,' he said."

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Oral Health Status of Maryland School Children:

Maryland is 94% fluoridated:

"53% of children in kindergarten and 3rd grade had untreated decay in their primary teeth."

Chandler, Arizona's water supply is fluoridated:

"If you have children and live in Chandler, chances are strong that they suffer from tooth decay.

That's because in Chandler, 65 percent of children experience tooth decay between the ages of 6 and 8 years old, according to the Arizona Department of Health. Most of these cases start at an earlier age and go unnoticed."

Friday, March 04, 2005

Death By Fluoride

Four stories, organized dentistry and fluoride profiters would rather you didn’t see occurred this year:

1) A 51-year-old committed suicide by fluoridated toothpaste, according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (1). They won’t release the who, what, where, when and why to us.

2) A 52-year-old women with a two-gallon, double-strength daily instant tea habit developed bone and joint pain and other abnormalities indicative of chronic fluoride toxicity or skeletal fluorosis. After breaking the tea habit her pain and discomfort alleviated. Tea is naturally high in fluoride and few doctors are trained to diagnose fluoride’s adverse effects (2).

3) Daily high-dose fluoride home therapy caused gastric distress, difficulty in swallowing, leg muscle and knee joint soreness, and general malaise in a patient, according to the Journal of the American Dental Association (3).

4) Elk drinking naturally high fluoridated water in Yellowstone Park die a decade sooner than they should (3a).