Friday, April 30, 2010

Healthy Smiles Healthy Children - Home

After 65 years of water fluoridation, fluoride supplement use, with all infant formulas containing fluoride and a fluoride contaminated food supply in the U.S.: "Of the 4 million children born each year, more than half will have cavities by the time they reach second grade," according to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

LA clinic begins giving free care to thousands : 24 Hour Breaking News : The Buffalo News

Los Angeles is fluoridated: "'Health care in this country is a privilege of the well-to-do and the well insured,' said Brock, gesturing toward a crowd of more than 100 average people waiting to have decaying and sometimes infected teeth pulled or filled."

Monday, April 26, 2010

After 65 years of water fluoridation: "Dr. Howard Koh, assistant secretary for health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said “In the U.S., 53 million children and adults have untreated tooth decay in their permanent teeth,” said Dr. Koh. “There is a silent epidemic of dental and oral health diseases that burden millions of children and adults across the states. With this initiative, we plan to improve oral health by removing barriers to care.’’"

“'Poor oral health remains a serious national health problem,' says Garth Graham, deputy assistant secretary for minority health."

Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay - Health Ministry Figures Show |

Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay - Health Ministry Figures Show |

"Ministry of Health 2008 dental statistics for NZ show no benefit from fluoridation. This mirrors research published last year by the American Dental Association, also showing no benefit, from a study of 39,000 US children.

The average Decayed Missing or Filled Teeth (DMFT) is 0.93 in Wellington and Auckland, in both fluoridated in non-fluoridates areas. The percent of children 'caries-free' (without any tooth decay) is 63% in non-fluoridated areas - 1% better than the fluoridated ones, though this is statistically meaningless.

For the rest of NZ, the figures are 44% and 45% caries-free respectively. And the difference in DMFT - 1 tenth (in practice, 1 tenth of a filling). 'This is clinically meaningless, and less than annual variations' says Mark Atkin of Fluoridation-Free NZ Coalition."

New Sabah Times

70 - 87% of Malaysia's piped water supplies are fluoridated, according to the New Satah Times. Yet two-thirds of six-year-olds have cavities.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Herald Citizen - County approves dental plan for residents

Putnam County, Tennessee is mostly fluoridated: "'I can't tell you how often I see people come into the (Upper Cumberland Career) Center, looking for jobs who have no teeth or who have a problem with dental hygiene. Those people are not employable,' said District 5 County Commissioner Johnnie Wheeler. Wheeler also serves on the NACo board of directors. 'It's hard for them to get a job. One of the reasons is because their self esteem is so low. They won't smile because of their teeth and they can't afford to go out and buy dental coverage on their own. And a lot of our older citizens do not have dental coverage.'"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Pediatric Dental Care Matters - NCOHF

Why Pediatric Dental Care Matters - NCOHF: "The #1 Childhood Disease in America: Pediatric Dental Disease – A National Health Crisis

After 65 years of U.S. water fluoridation, 55 years of fluoridated toothpaste, and a huge amount of fluoridated dental products applied to and ingested by virtually every American: "Millions of children in America suffer in pain from untreated dental problems, affecting their ability to eat, sleep and learn."

"One out of four children in America is born into poverty, and children living below the poverty line (annual income of $20,000 for a family of four) have more severe and untreated decay. These poor, non-poor differences continue into adolescence."

Schools to offer students dental care- The Register Citizen News - Northwest Connecticut's Daily Newspaper

Torrington, Connecticut is fluoridated: "The free preventive care project served 131 students and yielded the following statistics: 5 percent of the children seen had never been to a dentist; 8 percent had severe decay; 30 percent had mild decay."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Steamboat Today: VNA: Children's dental care substandard

Steamboat Springs, most of Routt County and 74% of Colorado is fluoridated:

... an estimated 66 percent of Routt County third-graders in the 2006-07 school year had a history of cavities, compared with about 57 percent statewide. Nearly 32 percent of those third-graders had untreated tooth decay, Birch said, compared with less than 25 percent statewide.

“Thirty to 50 percent of our kids have serious dental disease,” she told the City Council. “This is 2010, and we’re seeing Third World conditions right here.”

She added that Routt County fails to meet any standard oral health measure.

“Most of the time, we get (children) into the clinic because they have an abscess, toothache, there’s something significant going wrong — that’s usually what prompts the visit,” Pearcey said. “The schools call a lot of times — it can come from a lot of different sources.”

Uninsured flock to free clinic in Louisa | Charlottesville Daily Progress

Uninsured flock to free clinic in Louisa | Charlottesville Daily Progress:

Virginia is 95% fluoridated:

"“One person had tried to extract two teeth by using pliers and actually broke the teeth off,” she said. “It was an eye-opener.”"

“A lot of people in Wise wanted to have their teeth just all pulled out because there wasn’t any dentist around and that way they wouldn’t have problems with teeth going bad,” Ms. Harte said. “We saw some of the same thing. It’s sad, but that’s the way it is.”

“People, especially in rural areas, are not just not getting dental care, they’re not getting medical care, either,” Ms. Harte said. “We had people from all over the state show up. Most of them were working folks between 20 and 50 years old. They had jobs and sometimes several jobs, but they said they showed up because they couldn’t get work done on their teeth. They couldn’t afford it and didn’t have dental insurance. Free care is available to kids through schools and other programs, but not for adults.”

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

State Dental Care Now Top Priority - Little Rock-

In 83% fluoridated Arkansas: "We spoke to one man whose wife needed major dental surgery and left the country.
'I just think it needs to be where people can afford it, says Robbie Rhoden, it was gonna cost me 3 grand... my wife got it done for a thousand in the Philippines, same procedure.'"

Sunday, April 04, 2010

WV_Oral_Health_Plan_2010.pdf (application/pdf Object)

WV_Oral_Health_Plan_2010.pdf (application/pdf Object)

West Virginia is 92% fluoridated:

Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) Experience Percentages

Children, age eight years 65.6%
Adolescents, age 15 years 66.0%

Untreated Caries (Tooth Decay)

Children, age eight years 35.5%
Adolescents, age 15 years 32.9%