Monday, October 19, 2015

Fluoridation Fails Ireland

In Ireland, where fluoridation is mandated country-wide, "The Irish Dental Association (IDA) said that up to 10,000 children under the age of 15 are being hospitalized in Ireland each year to have teeth extracted under general anesthetic."

Friday, October 02, 2015

Fluoridation Fails American Indians

Oregon Looks North for Lessons about Expanding Dental Access to Reservation Communities

Native Americans have the highest rates of oral diseases in the United States. A report published in April by the Indian Health Service said that more than half of American Indians and Alaska Natives between the ages of one and five have experienced tooth decay; a rate that is more than four times higher than white non-Hispanic children.
“This disparity exists in spite of the implementation of dental decay prevention programs by IHS and Tribes, including fluoridation of community water systems, the use of topical fluorides and dental sealants, and oral health educational programs for children and parents,” according to the IHS Data Service brief by Kathy R. Phipps, Dr. P.H. and Timothy L. Ricks, D.M.D., M.P.H.
One of their key findings is that American Indian and Alaska Native preschool children do not receive enough dental care.

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Fluoridation Fails Georgia

Dental Visits Decline As Dental Emergency Room Visits Rise

In Georgia there were about 60,000 visits to Georgia emergency rooms for "non-traumatic" dental problems – oral health issues not caused by injuries. That cost more than $23 million (2007).[i] According to Capaldo, the problem is not a lack of capacity in the system. Most dentists in Georgia have the ability to see more patients. Rather, patients face barriers to getting needed care such as fear of the dentist, time off work and cost, according to a news release from the Georgia Dental Association.  Georgia is 96% fluoridated.

in a state with about 4,700 dentists, only about 1,600 take Medicaid, and still many of those aren't taking new Medicaid patients. The problem is most acute outside Metro Atlanta.