Thursday, August 30, 2007

In 93% fluoridated Georgia "'The demand for dental care has been much higher than the state or anybody anticipated,' he said. 'The cost for dental care has been much higher than the state or anybody anticipated.'"

"prices for dental work in Georgia have soared beyond what companies could imagine when they came to the state almost a year ago. Amerigroup is paying more on a per-member, per-month basis for dentistry than for visits to family doctors, "

Tax-funded dental care sparks legislators' concerns |

Boost urged in dental care for needy kids --

In 94% fluoridated Maryland: "The state needs to spend about $40 million over the next two years to increase reimbursement rates to dentists who serve poor and uninsured children"

Boost urged in dental care for needy kids --

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Health care 101: Non-emergencies don't belong in ER | Thinking Right

Health care 101: Non-emergencies don't belong in ER :

"Over 20,000 Georgians visited the emergency room last year with dental problems,” said Cagle."

Georgia is 93% fluoridated

Monday, August 27, 2007

Rotten teeth, abscesses, draining pus, cavities: Increasingly dentists are finding these problems in the mouths of children - Lifestyle - (HometownAnn

U.S. children are over-fluoridated according to the Centers for Disease Control But...

Rotten teeth, abscesses, draining pus, cavities: Increasingly dentists are finding these problems in the mouths of children:

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dental problems in young kids on the rise

Dental problems in young kids on the rise:

Kansas City, MO, is fluoridated:

"All too often, pediatric dentist Paul Kittle peers into the mouths of his youngest patients and cringes at what he sees: Teeth rotted off at the gum line. Abscesses. Draining pus. And lots of cavities. 'Sometimes,' he said, 'I look in there and I go, 'Oh, my goodness.''"

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cavities in Children on the Rise

Cavities in Children on the Rise:

Savannah, Georgia is fluoridated:

"Pediatric dentist Dr. Jay McCaslin says the number of children with cavities is growing. 'We see kids that come in and we catch some early cavities,' he explained. 'Then we get children that come in that have mouths full of cavities. Anywhere from 10 to 20 cavities in their mouth. We have one and a half year olds that have multiple cavities at that age.'"

Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, is fluoridated:

"I see more itty-bitty 2- and 3-year-olds with rotten teeth in the United States than I do in Third World countries,” Beltgens said."

Monday, August 20, 2007

Tooth decay is on the rise among the youngest Americans

Tooth decay is on the rise among the youngest Americans:

"I see more itty-bitty 2- and 3-year-olds with rotten teeth in the United States than I do in Third World countries,' Beltgens said."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Knowledge Web(r) Document Display

Knowledge Web(r) Document Display:

"The results of the survey clearly reveal that cheating is a significant problem in dental schools"

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What Can Porcelain Veneers do to Improve my Smile?

What Can Porcelain Veneers do to Improve my Smile?:

"Porcelain veneers are a conservative approach to improving the appearance of teeth adversely affected by too much fluoride as a child,"

"Typically, the application of porcelain veneers takes three visits to the dentist: diagnosis and planning, preparation and bonding."

The Daily Times - - Salisbury, Md.

The Daily Times - - Salisbury, Md.:

"'There are very few dentists who are willing to provide oral health services to young children,' he said, 'so there will be those with swollen faces, painful toothaches and abscessed teeth that will end up in the emergency room.'"

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Alliance Seeks to Expand Dental Care to Poor Kids -

Alliance Seeks to Expand Dental Care to Poor Kids -

"Deamonte Driver died of an infection that began with an abscessed tooth. The infection spread to his brain."

"Deamonte's mother, Alyce Driver, said she spent seven months trying to find a dentist for her younger son, DaShawn, whose dental problems initially seemed more pronounced than Deamonte's. Several of DaShawn's teeth became abscessed before Driver found a dentist who accepted Medicaid. The boy eventually had five teeth extracted and some cavities filled at the University of Maryland's pediatric dental clinic"

Alliance Seeks to Expand Dental Care to Poor Kids -

Alliance Seeks to Expand Dental Care to Poor Kids - "Of Maryland's 5,500 dentists, only about 900 accept Medicaid patients, according to a former president of the state dental association. " | Local News | Local News:

Springfield, Missouri, is fluoridated: "'A lot of the children we see have very complicated dental conditions, and they have to be hospitalized. We can do it on an outpatient service,' Thousand said."

Monday, August 06, 2007

Gaps in Md. Kids' Health, Wealth -

Gaps in Md. Kids' Health, Wealth - In 94% fluoridated Maryland, "70 percent of children enrolled in low-income health insurance programs go without dental care in any given year."

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tooth Decay Eating Away at Our Kids, According to Recent Analysis by HBA

Tooth Decay Eating Away at Our Kids, in 75% fluoridated Australia:

"In the past three years the number of children under 25:

• requiring fillings has increased by 10 percent

• having a tooth removed increased by 5 percent"