Friday, September 28, 2007

Rise in childhood cavities --

Rise in childhood cavities --

"'There's plenty of new cavities coming through,' says Dr. Nicola Hill-Cordell, a Chicago area pediatric dentist. 'At least once a week, you get a new kid who is less than 2 with a cavity.'" Chicago is fluoridated

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

adaa-annual-2007.pdf (application/pdf Object)

adaa-annual-2007.pdf (application/pdf Object)

"Contrary to popular belief, the incidence
and prevalence of dental decay is not on
the decline. The aging population and
lack of access to care are driving an
increase in caries among the broad population."

How Fluoride Harms Rather Than Helps Teeth - Second Opinions

How Fluoride Harms Rather Than Helps Teeth - Second Opinions:

"The most critical way to assess the effectiveness of fluoridation is to examine how much money is spent within Regional Health Authority boundaries. For the purpose of this exercise, three regions have been chosen for close examination of dental health costs. The picture that emerges from artificially fluoridated districts is that more fluoridation usually results in higher expenditure."

Survey finds big holes in little kids' dental care --

Survey finds big holes in little kids' dental care -- "Katelyn is among a growing number of young children with cavities" in Fluoridated Chicago

Sunday, September 23, 2007

State Oral Health Program Reaching Children (LakeFront Hartwell)

"A 2005 survey that measured the oral health status of Georgia’s third graders revealed that one in four students (26 percent) need early or urgent dental care. " Georgia is 93% fluoridated

State Oral Health Program Reaching Children (LakeFront Hartwell):

Saturday, September 22, 2007

children's oral health center

children's oral health center: "Dental problems are a major reason for school absences in Dallas." Dallas, TX, is fluoridated

Friday, September 21, 2007

Oral_Health_in_CT.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Oral_Health_in_CT.pdf (application/pdf Object)

In Connecticut, where fluoridation is required, "Young children, particularly those in HUSKY A, Head Start, and children with special healthcare needs, may be disproportionately affected by dental disease due to limited access to dental services."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 | INSIDER | Kids' dental health decaying, dentists say | INSIDER | Kids' dental health decaying, dentists say:

GUELPH (Canada) is fluoridated:

"Cases of bad mouths are spreading among children in the region and it's not related to the language they use.

Public health and education officials, along with a Guelph dentist who fixes young people's teeth, are seeing a sharp increase in tooth decay and oral infection."

"'I'm seeing much bigger cavities, much faster, more rampant, and much more severe cases,' said Dr. Mohamed Hussein, one of a small number of local dentists who participates in the Children In Need of Treatment (CINOT) program."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Green Bay Press-Gazette - Kids' toothaches mean headaches for families

Green Bay Press-Gazette - Kids' toothaches mean headaches for families:

"Getting affordable dental care is a difficult, if not impossible, task for many low-income residents. Many dentists won't take new patients because the reimbursement rate for people with medical assistance is so low, said Tom Mattke, Head Start director for the Green Bay School District."

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Napa Valley Register | Napans on Medicare, Medi-Cal find few doctors to take them in

Americans Suffer From Lack of Dental Care. Fluoridation is no fix

Napa Valley Register | Napans on Medicare, Medi-Cal find few doctors to take them in

Napan Jerry Hazel, 75, a recipient of both Medi-Cal and Medicare, is suffering from advanced tooth decay. Several years ago, Hazel said, he saw a dentist who ordered multiple tooth extractions and dentures. He said he has searched for an oral surgeon in Napa, but is unable to find one who takes Medi-Cal patients. Still unable to receive care, he regularly takes pain medications for his condition. Hazel said he occasionally seeks treatment for recurring gum infections caused by the lack of proper medical attention.

“Others must be going through what I’m going through. I just gave up all hope. Everyone says, ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Hazel. There’s nothing I can do for you.’”

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Charleston Gazette - News

91% fluoridated West Virginia: " a state with widespread oral health problems, including high rates of tooth loss and untreated decay. Walker has practiced dentistry for 36 years. As a volunteer at a free clinic in Charleston, he has seen the state’s dental crisis firsthand: rotten molars, infected gums, oral cancer."

The Charleston Gazette - News: