Friday, May 28, 2010

Increasing number of youngest children exhibiting “rampant” tooth decay

Calgary is fluoridated

"...up to 40 per cent of very young children have cavities, and that figure is “increasing definitively,” says Dr. Sarah Hulland, a pediatric dentistry specialist in Calgary." (Canada)

"In dentists' offices in the past five to 10 years, we've seen a progressive increase in cases of children aged (up to) five with rampant decay,” she says. “And we know that as they age, they have a huge risk of future cavities if it was an earlier problem.

As with childhood obesity, diet is at the heart of the issue."
Veterans, Psych Drugs, and Deaths

Recently reported in Marine Corps Times and other media venues including Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter, it has been noted that psychotropic drug-induced sudden deaths are increasing in Iraq War Veterans. Most of the newer psych drugs are fluoride based and are known to have cardiac effects among the many problems they cause.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

At the state's largest free dental clinic, dentists say they're seeing more people who can't afford dental care and the problems dentists are treating are getting worse.

The Arkansas Mission of Mercy held their two day clinic this weekend and treated more than 1,300 people and pulled more than 2,200 teeth. Patients received more than three-quarters of a million dollars worth of care.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Over 75% of Australia is fluoridated:

Australia Can't Face the Truth - fluoridated water isn't preventing tooth decay

"ALMOST half a million Australians in urgent need of dental treatment are on public waiting lists up to two years long."

"The oral health status of Australia's adults ranks second-worst in the OECD group of wealth nations, says the report Australia's National Oral Health Plan 2004-2013. Research done for that plan showed a 21 per cent increase in decay in five-year-olds. The report found that oral health declined sharply in adolescence with a fourfold increase in early signs of decay between the ages of 12 and 21."

"While people on lower incomes are worst affected when it comes to oral health, even middle-income families are finding it hard to afford treatment with many taking out loans or having it done overseas where it is almost two-thirds cheaper.

In extreme cases, people suffering pain from rotting teeth have been forced to perform dental surgery on themselves."
Tooth Decay Puts Strains on Emergency Rooms (after 65 years of water fluoridation)

Many individuals who lack dental insurance end up visiting the emergency room when their dental problems become bad, putting a strain on the healthcare system and - by extension - on taxpayers' wallets. However, many experts say that the majority of these visits can be avoided with improved oral hygiene.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 �He has something to smile about now

"At least one in five U.S. children has no annual dental care, and charity care is lacking in most states."

"A C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health report last year revealed that nearly 12 million U.S. children experience serious barriers to getting dental care due to lack of insurance coverage, cost of care and difficulty finding providers. "

Friday, May 14, 2010

75% of kids have tooth decay by 15

75% of kids in Ireland have tooth decay by 15: "The IDA pointed out that by the age of 15, 75% of Irish children have experienced tooth decay. This makes it the most chronic condition young people experience in this country. Research indicates that it is children from more deprived backgrounds who have a higher risk of decay."

Ireland is the only country that mandates fluoridation country-wide.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Eastern Kentucky Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Wins Global Online Initiative

"Over 50 percent of Eastern Kentucky’s children have the second-highest rate of untreated tooth decay in the nation," Fluoridation is required in Kentucky.

Monday, May 03, 2010

08-09 OHS Annual Report.pdf (application/pdf Object)

08-09 OHS Annual Report.pdf (application/pdf Object)

"Almost 40 percent of North Carolina kindergarten children have already had tooth decay in their primary (baby) teeth by the time they start school." North Carolina is 88% fluoridated.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Dentists Treat Serious Problems at Central Va. Free Clinic

Dentists Treat Serious Problems at Central Va. Free Clinic:

"The first wide-scale free dental clinic in Central Virginia drew hundreds to Orange County Saturday to get treatment for serious dental problems. Walk-ins were welcome, after organizers initially had to turn people away Friday."
Virginia is 95% fluoridated.

"Sixty-two dentists treating about 500 patients Saturday at the Barboursville Volunteer Fire Station in Orange County. Many of the patients needed teeth extractions and dentures.

'The dentist is too expensive to afford most of the time,' says Roland Bottomley."

Saturday, May 01, 2010

New York State Department of Health dentist J. V. Kumar published national statistics in the July 2009 JADA which show similar cavity rates regardless of water fluoride content, However, dental fluorosis rates increased along with water fluoride levels. See analysis “Fluoridation No Benefit; Definite Harm,” by Kathleen M. Thiessen, Ph.D., SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis here: